Tat 'n' Tea
a little place in my heart.............
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
This year........
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have returned. I'm back with a vengence and ready to get this party started all over again and document my 50th year. Watch out, there's going to be some mighty fine happenings going on over the year and I need to celebrate them all with you too.
Nice to be back? You betcha Xx
Toode Pip
Lynetta Xx
Monday, 6 May 2013
First day of sunshine 2013

I've been a little distracted of late and have neglected my blog. I think I've just got out of the habit of updating regularly so I've had a ltittle talk with myself and have decided I must make a more concerted effort to document what's going on otherwise when family read this back in years to come (wishful thinking but I do hope so) they will wonder why I disappeared for a length of time.
Today we finally saw some blue skies and warm weather. The photo was taken from the car window on our way to Marlborough. We just needed to get out and about and went for a drive and landed up over the Wiltshire Downs. What a beautiful day.
Lynetta Xx
Friday, 5 April 2013
Recharging the batteries
A well deserved and needy pit stop whilst out shopping today (it's a tough job but someone has got to do it!). With the weather still not reaching above 4 degrees, boy it's still cold for April, I believed a hot almond crossiant and hot chocolate from Patisserie Valerie was in order, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious, I think this is going to be my new favourite cafe.
Lynetta Xx
Monday, 25 March 2013
Books, books and more books
I seem to have an unhealthy obsession with books at the moment, not that it's a bad thing only if, like me, you don't really have a large bookcase to display them in.
I love a good book to read and hearing all about a newly published one about the WI on the radio the other week it only seemed right to put it on my Mother's Day list and I was a lucky girl to receive a copy. I can't wait for a lovely sunny weekend to sit outside and have a good read.
Whilst out shopping I purchased yet another baking book, but this time an American one. I stumbled across the name when I was researching my New York trip, Williams-Sonoma, it's a store in NY along par with Harvey Nichols and its on my list of places to visit as they have a HUGE Martha Stewart department, so it only seemed right I bought the baking book. Looking through it has some fine American recipes and I'm looking to have a go at some of them pretty soon (don't hold your breath for a post all about it though!).
In true British style I feel I have to mention the weather, it's still cold with temperatures dropping below freezing at night and not much more during the day. This winter seems to be going on and on and I know I will be very happy when the sun finally makes it's appearance and the skys turn blue just to get my old bones warmed up if nothing else.
Looking forward to Easter, not too sure what we are up to but hope it's a good one.
Lynetta Xx
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Hello...Is it me you're looking for!!!
Long time no post....I really cannot put my finger on it but I lost my mojo for quite a few things over the last few months. Perhaps it is the longer winter we have this year, or is it a sign of wanting to change, oh I don't know other than I'm back. Not sure when the next post will be but for now I'll do a quick update to get the record up to date.
No baking has been done in the house, I've completely lost my mojo for that and I know I've 5 more bakes to complete the challenge, I'll get there just not sure when.
I've been a little ill for 2 weeks recently with a really bad cough and cold, knocked me side ways and down and even took to my bed for a day and half, something quite unheard of for me.
No craftiness has been started or completed. Perhaps I need to find something 'new' to learn to get my interest back up. I'm thinking water colours? but I'm not really an artist, I prefer wool and material, but then this may kick start my enthusiasm again.
No outings or jolly days have been taken over the last few months. It's been lousy weather and with no motivation I've been like a tortoise and wanted to hibernate indoors in the warm.
Oooh just remembered, we did go out on a date to see Les Miserables at the cinema...cannot wait for the DVD so I can blub over and over again at Ann Hathaway's solo performance, I'm welling up now just thinking about it.
And to round things off just nicely Jack unfortunately had a little accident on the football pitch by dislocating his knee which popped back in immediately but left him with severe torn ligaments. So that's his season over with (and my Saturday mornings back - hoorraayyyy) however he has impeccable timing that this had to happen on Mothering Sunday weekend which scuppered any plans we had to celebrate by eating out. I can remember being in hospital on my first ever mothers day back in 1999, Jack had pneumonia and we spent 10 days getting him back to health to take home again, scary times. Perhaps I need to avoid mothering Sunday.
So less of the moaning, less of the groaning I just wanted to say Ooh it's nice to be back :-)
Toodle Pip
Lynetta Xx
Monday, 21 January 2013
Week 47 - Shortbread
Traditionally associated with Scotland, classic shortbread is perfect for a
vintage afternoon tea wherever you are - The WI Vintage Teatime
Faff Factor = 8
Bake = 7
Keeping Up Appearances = 8
Total score = 25/30
A few years ago I bought my mum the classic shortbread mould from Lakeland hoping that she may get the baking bug. Sadly that idea never materialised and whilst rummaging through mum's cupboards the other month I found the said gift still in its box. A lucky find for me as I've been wanting to have a go at making shortbread on my challenge and this gave me the opportunity to do it in style.
All of my books contain nearly the exact same recipe for all butter shortbread and I decided to give the WI book another outing from the shelves.
The mixture came together very easy, I do love getting my hands dirty, however I did add a little milk as it was not binding together as directed by the recipe.
Once baked I left it in the mould to completely cool before tipping out. I think this is a glorious moment when you tip out a cake, turn over a tart or this case the mould to see if the underside (now the topside) looks good. I was mildly disappointed to find I did not press the mixture in enough on certain areas but once I sprinkled with caster sugar that kind of covered up the imperfection. Also I think I placed too much mixture into the mould as it was rather thick and the very centre was not quite cooked through, but the boys said it tasted of cookie dough and not to fret. Phew, my critics saved my day.
I personally thought it was a little tasteless and could do with something added. I may have to investigate a little further to see what I can add and give this one another go to try and get the texture, impression and taste just right for me.
Ohh, and notice my new tea towel, all the way from Fortnum and Mason from my little Christmas trip . It is the Jubilee commemorative tea towel for the bargain knock down price of £2.50 from £15.00. Just love a bargain:-)
Toot Toot
Lynetta Xx
Friday, 18 January 2013
Never plan for the 18th!!!!
Note to self: Never plan a jolly with friends on 18th of December or January, as yet again the snow has stopped play.
Just wanted to document the fact that the white stuff has landed this winter and bought disruption all around. Will we ever learn to accept that life must go on.
Will be back pretty soon with some form of update. It's been a long time in the making as I've had a little break from the computer.
Be back soon..
Lynetta Xx
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