Oh Yes I do....!!! My sister was down with a group of friends to see a show in the West End and with them having a free day on Saturday they invited me up to show them the sights. I wasn't going to say no to this, any opportunity to go and walk around London and I'm there. To me it's not all about the shopping but just walking around the streets, looking at the architecture and noticing something new everytime.

First port of call was Harrods. I personally don't really like this shop, totally over-rated, pricey and commercial, and I liken it to a posh persons Marks and Spencers but as some of the girls wanted to visit and buy some Harrod's merchandise who was I to complain, well I am their guide for the day :-). We spent about an hour and a half in here and just to prove my point not liking the store when I was taking the picture of the Jimmy Choo's the assistant bluntley told me to 'stop' in a large voice which then caught peoples attention. I wanted to say something back but thought better of it and she promptly told me not to take photo's again! In fear of being escorted out the store by the burley secruity guards I politley said I would not take anymore. She then kindly gave permission for me to take a picture from outside of the Jimmy Choo area , ha ha ha, little did she know I have a good zoom on my camera. I was a little taken aback by her outburst as I always thought they employed more refined assistants, mmmmm perhaps their policy has changed!

From Harrods we headed towards Buckingham Palace walking through Green Park. Such a shame it was a dreary day as most of my pictures have that grey sky and when most buildings in London are of a grey stone it really don't stand out well. We took a little pit stop having a cup of tea and cake in St.James Park as we walked towards Admiralty Arch. Whilst sitting on the bench we watched the children feed the squirrels. The little tinkers came and took the nuts straight out of the children's hands without a glimmer of fear but the kid's loved it laughing and squealing, it was such a lovely thing to see.
So onwards and upwards, through Admiralty Arch, along Whitehall passing Downing Street and into Westminster and then alongside The London Eye, I was so glad no-one wanted to go on as the wait must of been about 2 hours long, then over The Millenium Bridge and into The Strand.
All this walking really does make you thirsty :-) Pit Stop number 2 outside The Sherlock Holmes Pub for a nice cool beer and people watch.
Back on our feet again, pass Trafelgar Square and into Piccadilly Circus, up Regent Street and along Oxford Street for a little shopping. Phewwwyyyyy, what a walk (will have to work out the distance) but I know it was appreciated as everyone thanked me for showing them the sights.
So what did I buy? Yip, some more fluff from Selfridges Food Hall, now that's my kind of shop.
Hope you enjoyed reading about my day. See you soon.