Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year!

Another year over and a new one to begin. 
This is the time people look back and reflect on the events over the year which to me has flown by.  Wonder if this is to do with my age as they are flying past mighty quick, only 2 more years and I reach a milestone birthday! There will be no resolutions from me but a challenge for 2012 and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. 
As my blog is relatively new I cannot do a post of looking back of what has happened over 2011 instead I will leave you with a mosaic of some memorable times for me.
Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Lynetta Xx

Friday, 30 December 2011

Bargain Hunt!

I don't really do 'The Sales' as such but I love to go into town after the mad manic sale rush just to see if I can grab myself a bargain.  In previous years I have managed to buy some boots for £50 reduced from £140 and last year my Kenwood Chef from £369 to £140.  So you can see I love a bargain.  This year though I wasn't in need of anything in particular so just popped in on Tuesday to do a little rummaging. It was surprisingly quiet so spent a little time in John Lewis and Lakeland.  I managed to pick all the above up for £11!  I'm secretly in love with my wooden spoon, it has a little Russian Doll on the end and is now dedicated to baking use only.  Wonder what it's going to mix up?
My friend Sarah and I went to Ikea in Southampton yesterday for a mammoth shop. Did you know they now sell Cinnamon rolls in the freezer section?  No, neither did I.  I resisted buying a bag though as I've promised Jack to bake some this weekend and a promise is a promise.  I had such a lovely day, I love shopping with Sarah as we both love a good look about.  As usual I came back with stuff I didn't really need but just had to have, why does Ikea make you do this? I can't wait for the store to open in Reading as this may curb my expenditure when I go there as I'm sure I will only buy what I really need then (famous last words).
So back to today, I'm sorting out the spare room, it's a bit of a mess at the moment and needs a good sort out. At least now I've got Jack's old bookcase from his bedroom which gives me a little more storage space which is something I need. 
Lynetta Xx

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

A very quiet Christmas....

He came, he went and he left us with a few delightful presents.  It seems as though year after year our Christmas's are getting more and more grown up and very quiet, oh I do miss the magic of Christmas when you have to pretend but not having a young 'un anymore the sparkle seems to have gone <sniff sniff>.  Jack was pleased as punch to get his own laptop plus alot of clothing from Hollisters and I just love his Primarni Jumper he bought himself to wear (Noel Edmonds eat your heart out!). 
I too was a lucky girl even though we decided not too spend more than £80 on each other this year I was given something that I have been coverting for a few months (how Ian knew I will never know).  So meet Barbie........

and why am I calling this little bit of gadgetry Barbie - because she likes to come out to play with Ken (my Kenwood Chef Premier), seems only right to give her this name.  I am looking forward to giving her a thorough workout soon.  And.... and.... and.... I got these.....
a girl can never have too many cookbooks, or baking books if you look at my window sill.  I spent Christmas afternoon flicking from one recipe to another and oohing and aahhing of the wonderful treats I can now attempt to bake.  I've got something special planned and will let you know about that in another post. Along with other little gifts of chocolate moulds, smellies, slippers and a naughty over the budget present - Tickets to see Mrs Brown's Boys in June - I think I done pretty well.
Our Christmas was relaxing, fun and everything that I hoped it to be in addition to it being very quiet, but I am not complaining after all the rush rush rush of present buying and food shopping I think it's what was secretly wanted.  Ian cooked a wonderful Christmas dinner as usual, we went to mum's and exchanged presents and spent the evening chillaxing watching Dowton Abbey. Perfect.
I'm off to hit the sales to see what bargains I can grab before we go on our traditional trip to London with friends.
See you soon.
Lynetta Xx

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas.................

Sleigh Bells ring, are you listening, in the snow that is glistening.
I'm ready and waiting!!!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
Lots of Love and Best Wishes

Friday, 23 December 2011

Baking mad and the demise of Herman!

Yes, I've gone baking mad this week, it's been great not working the week of the run up to Christmas.  I was lucky enough to receive an extra birthday gift from my friend Sarah, a Mary Berry Spiced Christmas Cupcake kit.  Ready made kits are something that I don't really buy and I was really really surprised to see Mary Berry endorse one. I always thought being the queen of cakes telling us to bake from scratch and then finding this on the shelves a little contradictory, but then if Deliha can do it so can Mary!  On opening the kit I was happy to find the actual recipe so at least I will be able to create my own next year. 

They actually turned out quite well however I will be adding a little more spice and only use raisins next year. They went down a treat for Ian's work collegues as not only did he take 12 of these beauties but also whooppie pies and
vanilla cupcakes. 
Whenever he takes them into work I giggle to think of truck drivers sitting down with a cup of tea and a delicate cupcake. It really does make me giggle.
And now I hear you say, "What happened to Herman"?  Oh Herman was looked after for 10 days don't you worry, and I baked him and photographed him.....
tasted him.....
Yuk yuk yukity yuk!!! 
5 seconds in the mouth and I just knew this cake was not for me and I would never give anyone a slice if I did not like it so poor Herman went to the rightful missive place.....I love the concept of sharing the mixture and am really sad I was not able to eat him.  I will have to think of something else to share and pass on to my friends.
So the last couple of days have been filled with baking.  I'm all ready for Christmas, all presents wrapped and food purchased.  Just 2 more sleeps :-)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells rock.
Lynetta Xx

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

His wish was my command......

After Jack's cheeky post-it note the other day I thought it was only right to replace the fruit with sweets.  I found this lovely felt basket in Claus Olsen yesterday and immediatley went to the FabricLand to purchase the black felt and buckle to make it more festive.  The basket is just the right size I was looking for and I love it.  I think I may add some white fluffy stuff around the bottom for next year though.  Nothing like thinking ahead :-)
Off to stir Herman - I'm nearly at the point of where I divide into 4 and send to friends.  Good job I declared tomorrow as baking day as he is going in the oven.
Let it Snow, Let it Snow Let it Snow :-)
Lynetta Xx

Monday, 19 December 2011

Deck the halls....

I love Christmas decorations, I have so many that I really need to thin them out a little before I put the wanted ones back up in the loft this year.  This year in John Lewis the decorations are superb as always, I get a lot of inspiration for my decorations from this store.  It was great to see they also chose a Nordic theme as I too decided to do a red and white theme for my table this year. (Spooky, the decorators are obviously on the same wave length as me).
I am so disorganised this year, I need to go into Readng today to get the presents for Ian, Mum and Dad!  3 hours of looking around trying to find the perfect present is not my idea of fun, I would prefer to be at home baking.
and my parting shot today is of my all time favourite decoration on the tree.

Happy Monday's
Lynetta Xx

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Spreading good cheer!

Can one really say they love their Council?  A pleasant surprise when I went into Woodley (which is relatively cheap to park anyway) but it's nice to know Wokingham Borough Council is spreading the love at Christmas.
Rock around the Christmas Tree :-)
Lynetta Xx

Saturday, 17 December 2011

He makes my day happy.......

Waking up to see this in the fruit bowl from Jack has certainly put the smile on my face today.  Thanks Jack, love your personality, wit and charm.  I suppose I better open one of the tins of sweets now it's nearly Christmas.
Have a great day everyone and enjoy whatever you maybe doing.
Jingle all the way.   Lynetta Xx

Friday, 16 December 2011

Meet Herman........

So who's Herman I hear you ask?  He is a Friendship cake that I was lucky enough to be given from a work collegue the other day.  For those who do not know what a Herman cake is it's the culinary equivalent of a chain letter. Someone gives you a jar of yeasty mix and a set of instructions on when to add sugar, flour and more importantly when to stir it. Ten days on, you divide the mixture into four, pass three jars onto friends and, with the rest, bake yourself a very yeasty and sugary but surprisingly tasty cake (so I am led to believe).
The name Herman is taken from the Amish sweet, cinnamon-flavoured bread and the cakes have their origins in the sourdough products made by the early American pioneers. I have been informed my Herman is at least 20 years old! There is no sell by date and the current Herman revival comes at a time when we are being encourage to waste less and to share more.  It seems a little strange to pass a cake around but then we would do share cuttings from plants so I am looking at my Herman as a little adventure and hoping that he may come back and visit me again (but then I suppose I could always keep a portion for myself and keep him with me).
I am currently on day 4 so off to give him his feed and stir and no doubt will be updating you on his lifes progress.
And for your interest you cannot actually see Herman at the moment, he's hiding inside that beautiful Mason and Cash bowl I was given last Christmas from Ian waiting to be fed and I also get a chance to use the Russian cups as the recipe only comes in cup sizes.  Oh Happy Day's.
Enjoy your weekend.
Lynetta Xx

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Bottom butter!!

At last a Thought on Thursday!  I was very interested to read about a face cream that supposedly had the same ingredients as one of the leading expensive brands.  I was reading about it HERE. (article was from 3 years ago but I read about it on a blog a few months back). So last saturday I trotted off to my local Waitrose and got a little tub. I have been using it for a week, I cannot report if it is working and making my wrinkles less visible but it sure smells nice and is the perfect cream for my dry skin and in today's current economical climate I think I may save myself a few pennies too. So do you fancy jumping on the band wagon? 
Have a good day.
Lynetta Xx

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Best Laid Plans.....

Oh Dear, I'm not very good at keeping up with this bloggin milarky am I?  Am I full of empty promises? Am I trying to do too much in one day?  Am I just plain silly? Who is to say I should be updating this blog every day and who is to say that I should be doing what I say I am going to do - no one, it's my blog and I'll party when I want too :-)

So quick update from me (so not too let myself down) .  My December daily is now looking like a December monthly so without further delay I'll report the Christmas decorations went up this weekend.  We re-decorated the front room/lounge (I say this with tongue in cheek as the Lounge is for when I want to be posh and front room when it's a casual thing) and removed the out of date fake fireplace so I had plently of decorations to play with.  I made this lovely arrangement to go on one of the side tables, the other one will have the sweeties on and I am currenlty thinking of a Santa pot for them to go into, will have to go and hunt something down.
I am rather pleased with the way it turned out considering it is made up with left over bits and pieces.
I also love this years decoration for Jack. 
We buy one every year and when he leaves home he will take all of them with him for his own tree.
And lastly a little Keep Calm...............

Nothing like a tin of Quality Street to share at Christmas.

Lynetta Xx

Sunday, 4 December 2011

So what do you want from Santa this year?  Decisions Decisions!

Pretty Witty Cupcakes...

I am such a very lucky girl.  My friend Sarah bought me a cupcake baking class at Pretty Witty Cupcakes for my birthday present (one of many may I add - naughty Sarah).  We spent the day learning how to make decorations then onto baking and making buttercream and finally how to use a piping bag.  I know I've done all these things before however it was great to learn how to do it professionally and picked up some really useful tips.  If you are looking for a great (and I mean fantastic light fluffy and moist great) vanilla cupcake visit the website and bake as instructed, they are the best I have ever made.
I even got to wear my apron that I made a few weeks back.  Rather posh and I love it :-) I was really taken with the material when I saw it in the shop and it just screamed at me to make an apron. Only problem was I didn't want to make it dirty but then along came Sarah who was working beside me and when adding her icing sugar turned the dialled the wrong way and booommmmmm it flew everwhere, we did laugh as it is normally me that would do something so silly. It was a great day and loved every minute of it.  Thanks Sarah. Xx

Friday, 2 December 2011

We're gonna party - like it's my Birthday :

It's my birthday.......yyyeeeaahhhhhhhhhh

48 years young today.  Just a quick post as I'm off to celebrate.
Lynetta Xx

Thursday, 1 December 2011

December daily.......Would you?

In 2009 I took part in posting a photo every day throughout December on my facebook account and in 2010 I tried something different and posted a Keep Calm and ..........(insert a quote here), much to the amusement of my friends.  It's also a sort of trend throughout the scrapping world to make a Journal Your Christmas scrapbook, for me it's too much hard work trying to get the book created and organised ready to roll with it on December 1st so I've never really took part but if anyone is interested look HERE. This is Shimelle who created and runs this fantastic event, please take a look so you can see her wonderful creations.   
This year I have my blog so I've decided to mix a bit of both, posting some photo's from 2009, some quotes from 2010 and where possible post some different photo's from 2011. 
So in honour of December 1st the photo is of the advent calendar I made for Ian from the 1st Christmas we celebrated together (15 years ago).  Jack inherited this on his 1st Christmas and even though he's 13 1/2 he still looks forward to counting down the days, not to mention the chocolates.  I hope I can start to get excited about Christmas, the last 2 years I have had something happen to dampen my spirits.  Last year it was flights being cancelled because of snow so I did not get to the German Market in Dusseldorf with my friend Sarah and the year before my boiler breaking down, come to think of it I believe they both happened on December 18th (note to self must ensure nothing untowards happens this year on this date).
I hope I can upload something everyday (time permitting) as I think it will be great to look back on and see what I was doing this year.
And my Keep Calm for today is........................
Happy Day's
Lynetta Xx