Quote from book: These buns, made with butter and an egg, filled and rolled, then baked on a mixture of butter, muscovado sugar, maple syrup and chopped nuts are hard to resist.
Faff Factor =7
Bake = 9
Keeping Up Appearances = 9
Total score = 25/30
This week I decided to make Iced Buns. But those don't look like Iced Buns I hear you say? No they are not! Yet again, I had another disaster with the mix - this disaster malarky is becoming a regular thing, tut tut tut. I really really cannot say what went wrong, I followed the recipe and as soon as I added the milk, boommmmphhhhhhhh it went into an awful crumbly mucky mess which I could not retrieve. So it was back to the drawing board (well cupboard actually) and as I only had one packet of yeast remaining I frantically looked through the book and decided that I had all the right ingredients to make Sticky Buns. Basically, these are just like the monkey bread except you roll out into a rectangle, add cinnamon sugar, roll up like a swiss roll, cut and place in the tin then bake. They are also like cinnamon rolls (minus the currants) but with a maple syrup and walnut glaze, which you cover the bottom of the pan before placing the rolls on top and then once cooked turn upside down so it becomes the top (are you keeping up with me?)
It's a funny old thing this baking, even though I haven't made this recipe before the result was so similar to cinnamon rolls and the monkey bread, I felt I had been there, done that.
So will it be pastry next week? Da da daaaaaaa....
Lynetta Xx