Sunday, 30 September 2012

Week 36 - Bara Brith

Quote from book -  Dried fruit steeped in strong tea makes this cake moist and tasty
 - Mary Berry's complete cookbook.
Faff Factor = 9
Bake = 9
Keeping Up Appearances = 10
Total score = 28/30
OK I'll admit it, I have made this cake a few times before but from this recipe here. This time I decided to use Mary's recipe which is very similar and once again I ommitted the cherries as I didn't have any in the house.  Note to self - buy glace cherries as you love them. 
I also needed to make up a few challenges as I'm 3 behind and I needed to make 2 cakes this week for the Macmillan Tea and Coffee morning.  Phew...I've been a busy girl :-) so with all this in mind I needed a fool proof cake that is quick and easy. 
Bring on the Bara Brith.
Anyone can make this cake, (yes you can it's really easy) hence the high score, no faff and hardly any washing up.  I love the fact you soak the fruit over night and then in the morning just add all the other ingredients, give it a quick stir and plop it in the baking tin, then put it in the oven for an hour and half and smell the aroma around the kitchen.  Once a little cool cut a slice (and if you feel really naughty smother with butter) and eat with a nice cuppa.  I always justify having mine with butter as none is used in the actual bake.
Jack adores this cake and I make it for lunch boxes as it keeps rather well (ok  so that's a little white lie as it only last for about 2 days in our house as it is so moreish).
I'm also glad to say Mary's recipe was just as successful and one to make again and again. 
Thumbs up from me :-)
Lynetta Xx

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Hostess with the mostess!

So did you host a Macmillan Tea & Coffee Morning?  It was for such a good cause that myself, Helen and Julia each baked 2 cakes and served the teacher's and TA's tea and coffee during their break time. 
I made a Bara Brith (this weeks challenge bake) and a plate full of mini Victoria Sponges, and I think Lakeland should pay me some sort of commission because at least 4 people are heading off into town tomorrow to buy the special baking tray. 
Julia made the choccy roads which were huge! (but one of the first things to go) and a Banana Loaf and Helen baked one of her wonderful Lemon Drizzle cakes, I'm sure she could give Mary Berry a run for her money with this cake. She also baked a Ginger Cake which I've bought a slice home to try.  A variety to suit anyones pallette don't you think?
Along with the cakes to prettify the table I also made the bunting for my cake using my computer to print out the MacMillan Logo and some flags for the other cakes.  I think they look rather fetching with the bright green doillies which I think is a rather harsh colour to pretty up a cake.
We did really well and with the generous donations raised £70.  Not bad for such little effort. 
The teachers have asked if we would host a coffee morning at least once every half term, I'm all for it as I could pretend to run my little shop Tat 'n' Tea but I'm not too sure Helen and Julia want to play. You just can't get the staff these days :-)
Have a spiffin day
Lynetta Xx

Friday, 28 September 2012

Do I? or Don't I?....

We may not have had much of a summer, and may have been spoilt at the beginning of September with some warm and dry weather but boy has it turned cold over the last week. I'm now wondering whether we will have an Autumn as the leaves have yet to turn golden but keeping fingers crossed we do as I love the colourful trees this time of year.
So the big question is do I or don't I put the heating on seems like a big question out there in the facebook world at the moment as all I see on peoples status is all about putting on the heating!
I'm going to hold off as long as possible but I know if it becomes too damp I will have no hesitation to switch it on but in the meantime I'm happy to be snuggled up under one of the many fleece blankets I seem to have lying around and drinking hot chocolate to keep me warm.
Have a happy Friday and keep smiling :-)
Lynetta Xx

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Remember one thing................

Friends are for life :-)
Jack and Ross - 2012 (age 14)
Jack and Ross 2007 (age 9)
(and I will try and embarass my son further by finding an earlier photo from pre-school)
Lynetta Xx

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Week 35 - Coconut Slice

Quote from book -  These traditional favourites are sweet, moist and perfect for tea parties.
On a cold day, eat warm with home-made custard
 - The Women's Institute vintage teatime book.
Faff Factor = 5
Bake = 8
Keeping Up Appearances = 8
Total score = 21/30
Another week, another bake and I've managed to use the WI book again (how did that happen?). 
I think I'm going to have to reserve judgement on these slices as I thought they were rather strange.  The bottom layer is a really thick sponge with a rapsberry jam (I think if I used strawberry I may have liked them a little more) with the topping an egg white and coconut mix.  It really did taste all a little strange, to me that is, as the boys really loved them! 
Funny how that happens don't you think?
Reading the recipe I thought these would be a perfect bake.  I liked the fact that it used only 3 eggs of which the yolks are used for the sponge and the whites for the topping, yay no waste as I keep freezing my egg whites and have to throw them out after a month - note to self look for more egg white recipes. 
Little did I know that my whisking techniques for egg whites needed to be perfected.  I managed to use 6 eggs in total as my first attempt at adding coconut to the egg whites was a disaster as the mixture split. 
Lesson learned this week is even though the book said add the sugar and coconut, stop sit and think, use your knowledge and don't tip it in the bowl in one go, instead use the whisk, you gradually add then fold in using a metal spoon, I've got to start listening to myself.  Lesson learned :-)
The sponge mix was really really thick too so added 2 tablespoons of milk just so I could get it out of the bowl into the tray as there was no way I could pour the mixture as the recipe asked.
So my quick bake ended up being a mammoth washing up task but I'm glad I gave them a go.
I'm 35 bakes into my challenge now but with only 14 weeks left to the year I'm falling short of 3 weeks, yikes I better get my books out and bake bake bake.....saying that I need to bake 2 cakes for The MacMillan Cancer Coffee morning at work this week.
Hope your day is full of happiness.
Lynetta Xx

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Just a show off!

As previously mentioned on saturday Sarah and I (the Royal We lol) went up to London Earls Court for The Cake and Bake Show.  Sadly it was not as exciting as we anticipated.  I think if the organisers had realised how big an interest home baking really is they may have organised more places to get a cuppa and sandwich (no way did we want to queue for over an hour), more toilets (yes we had to queue as a girl cannot wait all day!) and better lighting (we couldn't see some of the demonstrations due to poor visibility).  The place was heaving to say the least...but look who bumped into me! (sadly a blurry photo)
Oooh what a lucky girl I hear you say.  However I must admit I felt like a stalker to get this photo.
After watching the said Mr Hollywood at a demo he safely remained behind the counter signing books, I managed to get my entry ticket signed which I have now clipped into my book. Then he escaped.....but not from me.....I quickly followed him and asked for a cheeky photo....I really don't know what came over me, I'm never normally this forward (insert a little smirk here).

Another little swoon,,, ahhhhhhh mmmmmmm
There was plenty to see at the show, plenty of stalls and demonstrations it was just so busy. 
I managed to watch Eric Lanlard bake his signature chocolate pastry, Jo Wheatley bake her famous chocolate birthday cake and Peggy Porschen (whose pop up shop was heaving) was giving private demonstrations but I managed to sneak a photo through the window.
Sadly I missed The Pink Whisk as Ruth was not demonstrating until 5pm and it was a little too late to wait.  I managed to get a little inspiration from the show though, I loved the chocolate Christmas tree which has urged me to make the cookie tree this year,  I loved the pink snowflake cake and thought wouldn't that make a wonderful wedding cake for a winter wedding? and the vintage table has given me the urge to go to car boots to find some old cook books.
and lucky me I managed to grab myself some bargains.........
a 6 monthly subscription to Delicious magazine for £10.99 with a free Mason & Cash mixing bowl, all the ingredients for a christmas cake from Baking Mad for £5, a 50p Ginger cake mix from Wrights (I know I don't really do mixes but the sample I tasted was scrummy and for a quick bake on a sunday in the winter to have with custard seemed silly not to buy one really) and Dr Oetker was giving away cake release spray (will have to use and give verdict on this product) along with some food colouring - lets here it for Dr Oetker, they were probably only one of the stalls happy to give away samples. 
So all in all a cheap and enjoyable day out.  On our journey home we mentioned we've no more little jaunts planned need to get something in the diary to look forward to, perhaps a Christmas market? any suggestions greatly received :-)
Toodle Pip
Lynetta Xx

Friday, 21 September 2012

Roll on Saturday.......

Tomorrow I'm off on another little jolly jaunt with Sarah up to Earls Court at The Cake & Bake Show.  We've had tickets since the first week they went on sale and we've been looking forward to it, more so because Paul Hollywood will be there.  
I think I'm going to have to push and barge to get to the front for a little swooning session and to see if his eyes are really that blue. (I'm not holding out too many chances of this happening as from previous cake shows some of the women mean business when getting to the front of the queue iykwim).
I'm sure it will be a jolly day out though. Peggy Porschen will be there with a pop-up Boutique (I wonder if I will be bumping into her again? now wouldn't that be funny if we did) and I'm looking forward to seeing Eric Lanlard who is another favourite chef of mine.
All in all it's going to be one busy and crazy day. I have my spot on the sofa with a bowl of hot soapy water ready to watch The X-Factor already booked for me on my return.
Here's hoping to a full and varied report for you next week.
Have a fun Friday
Lynetta Xx

Thursday, 20 September 2012

That's handy......

Do you like my new shopping bag?  I'm rather pleased with it.  Still using up all the bits and pieces of my material I seemed to have accumilated over the year since I got my sewing machine back out of the depths of my cupboard.
I've been sewing since I was about 7.  My nan bought me my first sewing machine which looked something like this

she was very keen for me to learn the art of sewing as she too was a seamstress for Burberry's.  Under her guidance I made many a dolls clothes and even made an apron and a petticoat for myself (gosh I'm showing my age now, who wears petticoats nowadays and would the youth know what one was!)  Whilst at school I was not very good at home economics so I was relegated placed into the sewing class (they informed me that I had a better chance of passing O'level textiles than cooking - what a cheek) and in these lessons was where I used my first electric sewing machine (nan wouldn't let me no where near hers). 
Oh the joy of going fast and in a straight line too.  I then started to save all my pennies for my own electric machine.
Over the next few years (the teenage years) I sort of lost interest in anything that made me been seen as anything remotely good so my pennies were spent on other things (make up, platform shoes and clothes). 
It wasn't until my nan passed away and my mum, who being a larger lady, needed some new clothes I decided to dust the machine off and make her some.  I then fell in love with sewing all over again and self taught myself a few techniques.
Inbetween then and buying my first house the only time the sewing machine made a visit out of the cupboard was to make cushions and curtains but recently I've discovered the joys once again and have been easing myself back into the sewing zone again.
So what's next?  I'm enjoying sewing my bags and patchwork quilts and cushions.  Perhaps I need to gain my confidence and buy a pattern to make something for myself again, perhaps a pencil skirt? I made one of those 25 years ago and as fashion has done a full circle they seem to be trendy again, or I could look out for a t-dress pattern and make a dress to wear whilst riding Lillibet next year.....oooh now that's a good idea :-)
Love to all.
Lynetta Xx

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Week 34 - Chocolate caramel slices

Quote from book -  traditional biscuit bases covered with gooey delicious caramel
and topped with melted chocolate.  Rich but fabulous 
 - The Women's Institute vintage teatime book.
Faff Factor = 7
Bake = 9
Keeping Up Appearances = 9
Total score = 25/30
I was starting to lose a little faith in this book as my two previous bakes have not been such a success BUT (and did you see that BIG BUT) I was not disappointed with this cake.  In fact I ate quite a lot of it which is unusual for me because believe it or not I only have a small slither or slice of my bakes just to give my verdict and opinion to you before the boys take their chunks and then I give the rest to friends, family and work collegues.
These little gems are commonly known as Millionaires Shortbread and my bake was just as the quote described them to be.
The biscuit base just came together easily, or is it that I am getting more confident with baking and making dough by hand? time will tell when I make these again. 
I like the fact that whilst the biscuit is cooking you can quickly wash up and start the caramel.  I made this to the exact method it states, stirring continuously for 7 minutes exactly whilst simmering.  I even set my timer!
My panic set in as the recipe given was for a 7 inch square tin and the smallest I had was 9 inches.  That's quite a difference so I added half the ingredients again to compensate the extra size and so glad I did as each layer turned out just the right thickness and not thin as I'm sure it would before making this adjustment.
The faff factor is only a 7 as it is a little time consuming waiting for things to cool down in between the next stage but I occupied myself with reading the newspaper and drinking more tea whilst it all set before cutting up into small pieces which I recommend you do as it is very very sweet.
I'm really chuffed with this bake and felt a million dollars eating my millionaires shortbread.
Lynetta Xx

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sunday Nights...........

Oh yes, it's back.  My Sunday nights will not be the same for the next 6 weeks.   Watching the first episode the other night all snuggled up on the sofa with a nice cuppa bought a happy little smile to my face.  I've been gripped with the story lines already, and boy did they pack a few into that first hour.
I've been meaning to visit High Clere Castle being only 25 miles from where I live and have now put it on my visiting wish list for next year as it's now closed to the public, in the meantime though The 8th Countess of Carnarvon has written a book on her predecessor, Lady Almina, the 5th Countess who converted Highclere Castle into a Hospital in September 1914, ooh the real Dowtown Abbey, I guess a copy of this book will be dropped into my basket as soon as it's released.
Have a happy day.
Lynetta Xx

Monday, 17 September 2012

Proms in the Park

I've been mighty busy these last 2 weeks what with returning to work and school, having Governor meetings to minute and generally getting myself back into the swing of things but all work and no play as they say makes you a dull boy (girl).
Back in April Ian bought tickets for Proms in the Park.  It's something I've been looking forward to for quite some time.  So off we trot with picnic blanket and basket in hand (courtesy of M&S at Marble Arch) and into Hyde Park we went.
We were so lucky to get a really good spot about 20 foot from the stage and even more lucky that the weather was glorious. 
I think this year people have really had their wear out of their outfits and yet again many people dressed up in their red white and blue,
We may have not been so over dressed as others but certainly made the effort with little subtle additions to out attire.
we chatted and ate our picnic and had a glass of pear cider whilst we waited for the event to start, how very civilised we are :-)

I was gobsmacked to see 40,000 people were behind us when this came up on the big screen, oh wow!
The show started around 5pm with The Chicago Blues Brothers, Bjorn Again, Gypsy Queens, London Gospel Choir and The BBC Big Band (loved their sound)  The two main attractions were Alfie Boe and Kylie Minogue.  Oooh what a concert.  I loved every single minute of it and was on my feet dancing right up to the end.
At 10:30pm we connected up with The Royal Albert Hall to sing and wave our flags to Land of Hope and Glory.  I was in my element and proudly sang my little heart out. I cannot express here how wonderful this event was and would recommend anyone to get themselves tickets, grab their picnic and just have a jolly good time.  We met some really lovely people, 3 couples who came down from Durham, a mad Irish lady who loved a tipple and the most interesting of all was Paul, who was Kylies No.1 fan and who danced away with me to her song Spinning Around (I will now have fond memories everytime I hear this song being played)
So here's to next year, we've decided to make this little trip a yearly tradition.
All together now, Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the free......
Toodle Pip
Lynetta Xx

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Time.  Time don't stand still for no-one.  Time. Something that people say they don't have enough of.
But, I think we do have enough time. We have enough time to fit anything into our day that we need to.  Time will always go on and we will always find the time.
I will not make any excuses to why I've not updated you with my challenges other than I've been doing other things with my time.  I will catch up with baking and post my updates here but in the mean time I'm using my valuable spare time doing some other things.  
And I know you will wait and in time you will be rewarded with my time.
Hope this all makes sense as it did for me (but then I have a silly sense of humour)
Loves and squishes
Lynetta Xx

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Big Plans

With the weather still beautitul and warm it's hard to think about knitting or crochet but when I was in town last week I noticed a bargain bucket of wool in John Lewis all at a reduced price.  I grabbed myself a few balls with a little project in mind. 
All I need to do now is wait for the long winter nights and snuggle down with my hook to get this wool out of the ball and into a work of art.
And for the curious of you, this is what I am planning to make but first I need to find the teapot!
Off to the Proms today so expect a long post to follow soon.
Sunny Days
Lynetta Xx

Friday, 7 September 2012

Another little Jolly Jaunt..

I'm beginning to realise how lucky I am to live within such a short distance from some rather nice quaint places to visit.  One town which is within a stones throw from home and one I've not visited before is Henley On Thames.  The town is part of the 'Season' for Debutantes (from years ago when debutantes were fashionable anyhow).  It hosts a Regatta every year and a lot of very posh people visit cruising up and down the River Thames in their very swanky expensive boats, and it is now host to a 80's Rewind Festival. 
Whilst on my summer holidays myself and Sarah took ourselves off for the 20 minute drive to Henley.  I was pleasantly surprised at what a cute town it is.

I loved the Town Hall.  It sits in the square over looking the pedastrian walk way and even though it is small I loved the symmetry of the building.
The weather was over cast and a little rainy but we managed to sit outside on the pavement for our lunch.  There is a good range of shops, some being very very expensive, but that was to be expected due to the wealth around the area.  What I was not expecting though was the quality of the second-hand shops.  I managed to grab myself a few little bargains but I'll tell you about that in a separate post.
Sadly there was not a tea shop and thought the town would benefit from one.  Both myself and Sarah would love to run a shop and often discuss it.  Did you know I named my blog after one of these discussions. Tat 'n' Tea - a little place to pop in, have a cuppa and a slice of good homemade cake, there would be an area just for the knit and natters and the hook and hen's then you can have a little noesy around at some good quality tat I've acquired along the way, what a perfect way to spend an afternoon.  Would you visit me?
Have a perfect weekend.
Lynetta Xx

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Summer Holiday - Week 6

With all this lovely late summer sun that we are having over the last week we decided to fire up the bar-b-que one more time.  I'm sure you'll all agree that the alpha male comes out when the coals are lit and Ian really really makes one of the best burgers we've tasted.  Of course we have to add the bacon, mushrooms, cheese, onion and salad but then it would not be a Daddy Burger without these additions.
Last update of the 6 week holiday and it was a really really boring week.  We have decided next year to grab some sunshine somewhere and currently looking at the brochures to get some inspiration, the thing is though we are both procrastinators and think it maybe sometime before we make a final decision.
Round up of the week -
  • Monday - Went into Reading to buy the school uniform.  What a chore!
  • Tuesday - A little bit of sewing
  • Wednesday - A little bit of DIY
  • Thursday - A little bit of shopping at Ikea
  • Friday - A little bit of nothing - pottering around the house
  • Saturday - A little bit of driving and getting stuck in traffic for over 2.5 hours to get into the Dorset County Show then decided it was not worth anymore waiting and turned around to come home.
  • Sunday - A little bit of organizing to get ready for the new term
I'm glad I've documented my 6 week holiday.  I will be doing another one next year and hope it's a little different.  I really would not like to think my life is on a loop or I will be saying and chanting to myself 'Get a Life!'
Off to watch the Paralympics now which is so awe inspiring, mouth dropping unbelieveable.
Toot toot
Lynetta Xx

Monday, 3 September 2012

Week 33 - Blueberry and Lemon Curd Cake

Quote from Website -  Kids can help make this simple springtime treat -
delicious with extra lemon curd and yogurt as a pud, or serve with a cuppa. 
 Faff Factor = 8
Bake = 7
Keeping Up Appearances = 7
Total score = 22/30
This may seem a really silly thing to say but I have numerous amount of cook books and what have I been doing recently - finding scrummy recipes on the Good Food website.  Do you think I should subscribe to their monthly magazine?
This week's bake was a blueberry and lemon curd cake.  I'm not a lover of blueberries as I find them rather tart but once cooked, as I've found, they are rather delicious. Just a shame they all sunk to the bottom of the cake.
This is a really easy recipe and would agree with the quote, a child could easily help make this.  Once again I used the new liquid stork and I've found it gives the sponge a really lovely yellow colour, more so than butter.  After whisking everything together I plonked  poured in the required amount of batter and placed a layer of blueberries.  I read somewhere that when cooking with fruit if you roll it in flour it will not sink to the bottom, sadly after rolling and placing in the batter mine immediatly sank, Oh dear.  I think it may of been because using the liquid stork the batter was quite runny, so next time (and yes it is rather scrummy) I bake I will use butter.
As you will notice from the recipe instead of making the lemon icing on the top I made a syrup and poured over the top, aka lemon drizzle styley, but next time I will change this to the given topping, why I thought about changing the icing I don't know, must of been one of my moments :-).
All in all the taste was delicious, no real faffing as I managed to make this, in the oven all cleaned up within 20 minutes so that's good going. I've learned my lesson for this week that baking with fruit requires more of a thicker mix so when I bake this again I will make these amendments and obviously I will report back.
Love to all
Lynetta Xx

Sunday, 2 September 2012

24 hours remaining!

Eeekkkkk,  only one more day left of my long long summer holiday before I return to work and school.  I've managed to get the new shirts all washed and ironed and today I think I better get the badge sewn on the new blazer, the trousers pressed and all the school socks put in pairs.  24 hours remaining and counting.  
Only a quick post as I've a thousand and one things to do like most of you around this time of year but normal blogging service will be resumed and I've plenty to update you with :-)
Now where did I put those socks?
Lynetta Xx