Paul Hollywood's recipe for chocolate marshmallow teacakes will certainly make an impression.
- The Great British Bake Off.
Faff Factor = 6
Bake = 9
Keeping Up Appearances = 9
Total score = 24/30
OMG, OMG, OMG, I cannot tell you how excited I was when these little (or should I say rather big) gems popped out of the mould and I even squealed with delight when I cut the first one open.
Last Saturday I spent a wonderful afternoon with my friend Sarah making these teacakes. Move over Tunnocks Lynetta is in the house. We found the recipe to be very easy to follow, but just in case we kept the episode of the Master Class to watch and refresh our memories and a good job we did too because there was a stage we could of gone horribly wrong.
Each stage was pretty easy albeit a little time consuming. After baking the biscuits, which next time I will roll out thinner as mine were a little bit too thick to fit in the mould, you needed to heat the chocolate and coat the moulds then wait to set. You couldn't really move on to the next stage of whisking the marshmallow until they were ready to fill and waiting 45 minutes to an hour in between could of really been put to better use, but having Sarah to talk to with a cuppa made the time go alot quicker.
Now back to that Marshomallow, yummy yummy yummy. You really have to make some, it's just like the inside of a walnut whip all soft and silky gooey lovely mallow. The recipe however made more than enough to fill the teacakes, to be honest it made twice as much that was needed which I felt rather extravagent and waste of ingredients, I will have to write to Paul and let him know!
The above picture shows the best 2 of 6 that I made. For some reason which both myself and Sarah are trying to work out the chocolate went a funny colour, all pitted and mottled creamy colour. We are debating if this was not tempering the chocolate correctly or the moulds were faulty. Time will tell when I bake them again.
So another week down and I am so glad I made these. I really felt I ticked a few more boxes with my baking this week. I really enjoyed making the teacakes and even more so eating one or two of them as well.
Only 9 more recipes to go until my challenge has ended. I need to make up 3 weeks somewhere though but with Christmas looming I'm sure I can find a recipe or two to bake.
Love to all
Lynetta Xx
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