No Quote from book. - Jo Wheatley A Passion for Baking.
Faff Factor = 7
Bake = 8
Keeping Up Appearances = 9
Total score = 24/30
My boys adore Nigella's Choccy Rocky Road and I often make a batch for their lunchboxes so whilst reading Jo's book I came across this recipe for a Tiffin? I've never heard of it before so I went on t'internet to find a little more about it and good old Wikipedia came up with this. How funny that a tiffin is commonly used in India to describe a light lunch, it must be a sign for me to make the boys a tiffin.
Looking at the ingredients I had slight concerns that they may not like it but I can honestly say it did not last more than 24 hours in the house. Personally I thought it a little too sweet but then I don't enjoy white chocolate at the best of times and I think at the back of my mind knowing Horlicks was in the recipe (which I loathe) that was all I could really taste, I'm like that with anything coffee related too.
The actual bake (I'll call it that even though you don't use an oven) was easy as it basically just needs the dry ingredients mixed first adding the hot butter,golden syrup,sugar and horlicks to combine.
As a word of caution I would not put so much chocolate on top, I think half of the recipe would be suffice, I'm taking this as my lesson learned this week.
So that's another week under my belt, I'm more than half way through the challenge and feel I'm more confident with my baking and I'm getting good results. I've been baking in the background to my challenge too, especially some of the recipes that I have loved and tasting them a second time around is so reassuring that my baking is coming along nicely. Only another 20 recipes to go!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Love to all
Lynetta Xx