Monday 20 August 2012

Childhood Memories

Having a new car seems to have bought the need to go out and about back for me.  I was always a  little worried the old girl would break down so only stayed within a 5 mile radius of home but now with Jess (I'll explain why the new car has a name another time) the worlds my oyster so to speak.
Last weekend we decided to go to Portsmouth and to Gun Wharf Quay's shopping centre.  This is Spinaker Tower which the boys did not want to go to the top of with me.  I'm thinking I will need to take a friend to do this at another time. I have this saying that you cannot go anywhere near the sea without having a bag of chips so after our little shopping expedition we popped over to Southsea.  Oh wow, this bought back so many childhood memories for me.
As a child we never went on holiday, my dad couldn't drive and my mum worked 3 jobs to keep us going (you get the picture?) so it was a rare treat to get anywhere near the sea.  Southsea was a day trip with the local pub once a year and I have fond memories of going on a coach with my brother, sister and other friends from the local neighbourhood.  I used to get scared driving around the devil's punch bowl near Peterborough and also used to think to get to the Isle of Wight you needed your passport as it was abroad (or so I was told!)
Going back this weekend and standing on the pebbley beach was very nostalgic for me.  I will have to find the photo's out of my nan and dad asleep on the deckchairs alond the sea front the next time I visit my mum :-)
Sadly, the place is a little run down but I enjoyed my afternoon walking around the funfair and it still had the old rickety roller coaster which I was fearful of as a child as it was very high and which I am fearful of now because of it's age :-)
And here is what I really went for :-)  a lovely bag of salt and vinegar chips.  Oh the memories :-)
See you soon
Lynetta Xx

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