Last Saturday my local council held it's annual green fair which just so happens to be within a 5 minute walk from my house. I have been meaning to go for many a year so I decided to take myself off for a little look.
These ladies were wonderful to chat to and got very excited when I asked for a photo to put on my blog which made me giggle. The stalls were all set out showing all the different wares and trades and it had a rather pleasant and old fashion feel to it. (I was in my element)

with wonderful cheap plants on offer who could resist supporting the community and buying 2!
with a tombola on offer who could not resist supporting the community and having a go!
however I did resist buying the tat on offer - I really don't need anymore in my house
but I couldn't resist supporting the community with a fresh home made cake! a chocolate and pear ( will have to find a recipe to bake myself as it was rather scrummy)
and I had a lovely chat to these two gentlemen who collect old tools and refurbish them to send to Africa. What a really good cause and I think I maybe able to help support them when I clean out the garage.
and this lady was amazing with her willow weaving. Sadly I missed all the dragonflies that were on sale when I first arrived but I was enthralled with watching her weave these corn dollies.
Reminded me of art straws from my childhood.
It was lovely for me to just wander around for an hour and the fair was very pleasant, I even mentioned to Sarah about having a stall selling cupcakes and mini victoria sponges next year, we just need to decide who to raise the money for then we can approach the council to book a stall. It would be very exciting and challenging to do something like this, or do you think I'm getting way above myself with all these silly thoughts?
Toot Toot
Lynetta Xx
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